..... 揃.存.揃卒
ME..... sweet n frndly kinda guy.. respect gls,,had becm a littl short temprd.....i dn no y..
always stays happy frm my life.. n i always try to make my spcl frnz to stay happy.....love you frnz.
we can have whatever it is that we choose.....
............i dont care how big it is
i 留仄 留 仄留xi犖Q
f gc仆 亳d亳cy....
亳 仄留 仆w , 仆留d 留亳 i亳k.......
if 亳ly gd wd gi仄仄 犖O仄 cl留 犖ig亳!
旅 于 仄留 仄仄....
侶 于 旅 g侶 z 留留z 旅蔵,
侶 侶 旅蔵 旅 g侶