i drive mA self insAne..
if yA piss me awf..im gna pisS yA awf to0o..thtx da fukin m0to..do wht otherx do tA u!!
so u shd remAin gud wid me..or get ready cox m gna cum and burst yA ASS..
and for da lo0ser and jealous aSses out dre..hav dis _|_
i drive mA self insAne..
if yA piss me awf..im gna pisS yA awf to0o..thtx da fukin m0to..do wht otherx do tA u!!
so u shd remAin gud wid me..or get ready cox m gna cum and burst yA ASS..
and for da lo0ser and jealous aSses out dre..hav dis _|_ sum best wishes frm yA dad..!
so at da end..lo0ser get sum lyf..and stop readin mA abt m..i knw ur an assh0le..u wil read it til da end...thn do it m0tha fukaA..!! coz yA aint wastin mA tym ya wastin ya