Founder of NTP Nano Tech Projects srl, Senior Chemist, Visionary, Entrepreneur
I'm born in 1978 in Pavullo nel Frignano, in the province of Modena, Italy. I'm Dr. in Industrial Chemistry from 2003 with 2 PhD, one in Chemical sciences and one in Health.Optical biosensing for health parameters is my field of research. I developed Nano Eye Wifi (N.E.W.), a small laser microscope which act also as a pc server for health control. N.E.W. can give to anyone the possibility to "see" covering all micrometric dimensions, just like a normal microscope, and, furthermore N.E.W. makes you able to explore nanometric (down to 100 nm) behaviour of nanoparticles or of fluorescent molecules using laser technology as exciting beam. N.E.W. is very small device (~6 dm3), and this makes i...