All my life I have been trying to know myself, find my relations with respect to Nature and others.
惆惘 惠悋 惺惘 愕惺 惡惘 悋 惆悋愆惠 擧 惡 悽惆愆悋愕 惡惘愕 惘悋惡愀 惡 悽惆 忰愀 悋愀惘悋 惘悋 擧愆 擧.
We are all guests of this earth for a short period of time, so let us put our differences away and enjoy our times. . . 悋 悋悋 悋 慍 愕惠 惡惘悋 惆惠 擧惠悋 拆愕 悋悴悋慍 惆惆 擧 悽悋惠悋 惘悋 惡 擧悋惘 擯悵悋愆惠 悋慍 慍惆擯 悵惠 惡惡惘.
Life is like a bicycle, in order to keep our balance we must keep moving
慍惆擯 惓 惆惘悽