Sury Mini’s 18wishes.
When I’m 18 march,27
1. My parents will understand me, they will stop care what I do, give independence to me.
2. I’ll come home as late as I want.
3. Peoples will stop thinking me like a kid.
4. I’ll have a credit card like parents’.
5. I’ll get my driver’s license.
6. I’ll have my own car
7. I’ll meet a sweet boipen
8. I’ll have a lot of moneys.
9. I’ll have a lot of cutest clothes.
10. I’ll decorate my room the way i want.
11. I’ll be a top student in school.
12. I’ll be popular.
13. I’ll get a lot of gifts n cakes in my 18’s birthday.
14. I’ll have a best party ever!
15. I’ll can see firefly and catch it.
16. I’ll meet Korean