..just call me ai ..cuz datz how my friends used to call me..
actually..i am a person who is willing to do everythig..just to get what i want in life..!!.
!♥ simple!♥
!♥ easy to bE with!♥
!♥ music LovEr!♥
!♥ frieNdLy!♥
!♥ god- fEaring persOn!♥
!♥ have a seNse of huMor!♥
!♥ practicaL pErson!♥
!♥ cute!♥
!♥ not pErfect!♥
!♥ crazY sOmetiMes.. just try to ask my frieNds..and u wiLL knOw hOw cRazy i am when im infront with them..HAHA.!♥
!♥ taLkatiVe!♥
!♥ isip baTa!♥
!♥ not matured