Abstract thoughts - well kali
Loves reality and abstract - sumtymz
Intelligent and clever - dunt tink so
Changing personality - yup yup
Attractive - iawahh?
Sexy - aww nda kann :p
Temperamental - watz dis?
Quiet, shy and humble - maybeee
Honest and loyal - yes
Determined to reach goals - yup
Loves freedom - who didn't?
Rebellious when restricted - awu lah
Loves aggressiveness - well not really
Too sensitive and easily hurt - sad ah...how true
Gets angry really easily but does not show it -agen, how true
Dislikes unnecessary things - aaa......ntah
Loves making friends but rarely shows it - hehe
Daring and stubborn - nda jua
Ambitious - mmm.....ntah
Realizes dreams and hopes - n ntah jua