The document contains code snippets in JavaScript and AppleScript that open multiple URLs in Safari tabs using automation. It opens Google, Yahoo, and Apple in new tabs, then sets the selected tab back to the original first tab. Other code snippets demonstrate additional automation tasks like alerts, dialogs, shell commands, keyboard/mouse input and inspecting UI elements.
The document contains code snippets in JavaScript and AppleScript that open multiple URLs in Safari tabs using automation. It opens Google, Yahoo, and Apple in new tabs, then sets the selected tab back to the original first tab. Other code snippets demonstrate additional automation tasks like alerts, dialogs, shell commands, keyboard/mouse input and inspecting UI elements.
Scripting OS X with Applescript, without ApplescriptMatt Patterson
This document discusses AppleScript and how it works under the hood. It notes that AppleScript is actually two parts: the language itself and the Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) which is the underlying plumbing. OSA allows apps to send Apple Events to each other to communicate and share data. While AppleScript code looks English-like, it is actually querying apps and returning results, similar to how SQL queries databases. Alternative libraries like rb-appscript provide a more consistent interface to access OSA without AppleScript's complexity. The document demonstrates how to use rb-appscript to modify phone numbers in the macOS Address Book application.
The document discusses different task management and to-do list tools including Toodledo, Evernote, AppleScript, Google Tasks, and MS Project. It notes that task management can be done anywhere, anytime, and with anyone by delegating tasks. The document also references Merlin Mann's "43 Folders" method and getting tasks into a system through input that then outputs the tasks.
The document discusses different ways to implement text-to-speech functionality in Cocoa and Core Foundation on macOS, including using the NSSpeechSynthesizer class, SpeechChannel, and AUGraph APIs. It also covers using the say command and AU Lab for playback and processing audio generated from text.
The document discusses quick application development using web frameworks, noting that a web framework aims to reduce overhead in common web development tasks like database access and templating by providing libraries and promoting code reuse, and that frameworks can help developers save time, write less code, and get support while building applications tailored to their exact needs, though some cite potential downsides around scalability, learning curves, and hosting compatibility.
This document discusses options for rolling your own social networking platform as an alternative to Ning. The three main options are to stick with Ning, switch to a non-Ning hosted platform, or host your own using open source software like Elgg or BuddyPress. Elgg and BuddyPress are described as having advantages such as being open source, written in PHP, and having plugin architectures and hosting options, but also caveats such as requiring server access and technical knowledge to set up. Setup instructions and a demo URL are provided.
RAD Studioで始めるマルチデバイス?クロスプラットフォーム開発ワークショップKaz Aiso
RAD Studioは、Windows、Mac、iOS、Androidの4つのプラットフォーム向けのネイティブアプリケーションを効率的に構築できるビジュアル開発ツールです。統合開発環境のRAD Studioを用いることで、C++またはDelphiといった開発言語を使用し、複数デバイス向けの高性能アプリケーションを、一つのソースコードと、一つの基本UI設計ですばやく開発することができます。 このセミナーでは、マルチデバイス/モバイル開発のポイントを抑えながら、RAD Studioを用いてどのように実際の開発作業を行うのかを、演習を通して学ぶことができます。
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