so now...a little time to think for my own self...,
Name :Akshay
Birthday : 13th nov (dont forget to wish me....once a year I can get several wall posts,.) :P!!
Location : Delhi, India
Favourite Colour : black n blue
Eyes : dark Brown
And what else??
Rest can be just to Describe me :
WELL!my frnds say dat m frndly bt bliv me i dnt think so...i jst replicate d behaviour of ppl around me..M A TYPICAL SCORPION U C WITH ALL ITZ TRAITZ SO if m ur frnd den can do nething 4 u bt if nt...DEn DnT dARe 2 mEss wIth Me..!!I am just one of you still different from you! I love Music...its like all the time I am awake...I sing or listen to songs...I love Dancing...and who the hell