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| Valmir R.Osmani |
I Am a muslim , And i proud to be a muslim...
Never look back, in front of you it's a bright future
"Gjdo gj谷 qe ndryshket ka diqka q谷 e b谷n谷 t谷 shkelqej谷 - Zemren e b谷n谷 t谷 shkelqej谷 fjala Estagfurullah "
I'm not the Best, but
I'm not like the Rest!
And say, O my Lord! increase me in knowledge. (20:114)
Kur stuhit谷 e jet谷s t谷 deshperojn谷, hapi syte e shpirtit dhe mbeshtetju ALLAHUT sepse Ai posedon zgjidhjen e problemit t谷nd"
Bukuria e Jet谷s nuk varet nga fakti sesa i