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Damascus, Syria
忰悸 惺 悴惺悸 悋惘 悋愕惘悸 Alyarmouk Society Syria 惠悋 愆悋愀悋 忰悋惴悋惠 悋悴惘悸 悋惺惘惡悸 悋愕惘悸. 惠惺 悋悴惺悸 惺 悋悒愕悋 惠愀惘 悋悴惠惺 惶惆 悖愕惘悸 悋 愕悋 悋悴悋悋惠 悋惶忰悸 悋悋悴惠悋惺悸 悋悋愀 悋惠惷惘惘悸 悋忰惘惡 悋悋惘惓 悵 悽悋 惠愆 悴悋 惠悽惶惶悸 惠愆愀 悋悋惆 悋惠悋悸: 悖- 悋悒惺悋 惡愕悋悧愀 悋悽惠悸 "悋悖愕惘悸 悋悸 惠悋悴 惠忰惆悋惠 悋愕惠惡" 惡- 悋惆惘悋愕悋惠 悋


悴惺悸 悋惘 悋愕惘悸
悴惺悸 悋惘 悋愕惘悸悴惺悸 悋惘 悋愕惘悸
悴惺悸 悋惘 悋愕惘悸
Citizen engagement initiative: Community education committee for children with disability ghassan shahrour
Citizen engagement initiative: Community education committee for children with disability ghassan shahrourCitizen engagement initiative: Community education committee for children with disability ghassan shahrour
Citizen engagement initiative: Community education committee for children with disability ghassan shahrour
忰愀悋惠 惺悋悋惠 悖愕惡惺 悋悖惶 悋惺惘惡 悋惠悋愕惺 悋惓悋惓 2014 - Highlights on the 39th Arab Deaf Week, 2014
忰愀悋惠  惺悋悋惠 悖愕惡惺 悋悖惶 悋惺惘惡 悋惠悋愕惺 悋惓悋惓 2014 -  Highlights on the 39th Arab Deaf Week, 2014忰愀悋惠  惺悋悋惠 悖愕惡惺 悋悖惶 悋惺惘惡 悋惠悋愕惺 悋惓悋惓 2014 -  Highlights on the 39th Arab Deaf Week, 2014
忰愀悋惠 惺悋悋惠 悖愕惡惺 悋悖惶 悋惺惘惡 悋惠悋愕惺 悋惓悋惓 2014 - Highlights on the 39th Arab Deaf Week, 2014