悋 惠 悋 悋惡惆悖..愀悋惺悸 悋 悋惡惆悋
悋 惠 悋 愀惘. 愆惘惺 悋 悋惆悋
悋惠 悋 惺..悴悸 悋 悋悸
悋 惠 愃惆悋 愕悖惡惆悖.惘惡悋 惠悖惠 悋悋悸
About me!!!.........ummmmmmmmmmm.well it`s non of ur business.lol
I`m very very very moody person;so when i`d be in a good mood>>Tranee 3ala keef alkeef,
but when i`d be in a bad mood>>Hada kollo fee 5arban(so advise for u ..watch out!) lol
Ilove living my life in crazy way"actually i wish">> but soetimes "sob7an ALLAH"i like just lying in my bed starin at the roof & flyin with my imagination"doin my crazy stuff there" lol
>>i believe