iM a StRoNg guy WhO kEePs his sTuFf In LiNe. EvEn WhEn I hAvE tEaRs GoInG dOwN mY fAcE, i AlWaYs MaNaGe To SaY tHoSe TwO wOrDs -Im FiNe-
..I Love darkness..
..Im wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. Im always up to something.
..I have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle me( hahaha.. d heLL i care? =P)
.. Im very intense.
..I also have a very active imagination. I often get carried away with my thoughts.
..I have my own courage & strength to allow myself to be me,, to do ..watever i want
..i stand up for myself & my beliefs
..i stand up for those hu i love
..i speak my mind
..think my own thoughts or do things my way
..i live my life my own way
..Im a "good friend" if they d