Bilingual Program Manager. Covering the office of the CFO and CIO, and the guidelines of government bodies, assisting organizations to realize their goals in Japan through strong Program Management, Project Management and Change Management practices.
22 years experience at 35 Companies, through 12 Industries in 14 Countries. Taken 24,355 users live on time and within budget.
Global Projects and Program Manager (Oracle, PeopleSoft and Hyperion)
Experienced US GAAP and Japan GAAP Project Manager / Principal Consultant
PricewaterhouseCoopers Level 4 Principal Qualified
バイリンガルプログラムマネジャ`。薦なプログラム砿尖、プロジェクト 砿尖および筝砿尖のg樹を宥じて、CFO と CIO のオフィスをカバ`し、 屓軒Cvのガイドラインをg廾し、忽坪および今翌の朕砲gFするために 晩云のMを屶址します。...