Innovator, Strategy manager, Product Manager, Solution Architect, Business Development
Having fun working with disruptive technology + good team.
- 5 years: Cloud Architecture, Big Data, dashboard analytics, eCommerce, CRM, eLearning. eTube.
- 6 years: IoT Wireless, 6Lowpan, CoAp, WIFI, iBeacon, BLE, NFC, & Domotic solutions based on several technologies, Zigbee, Z-Wave, Enocean,
- 11 years as Product Manager. IoT wireless sensors , WIFI, Beacons, BLE, Cloud Apps, Broadband access, xDSL, VDSL, FTTU Fiber access (GPON), OTN, WDM, IP and video codecs,..
- Project leader. Go-to-market Start-up to efficiency spaces (homes & buildings), based on Internet of Things (IoT) sensors & actuator...