This document provides a comparison of Kenneth Branagh's 1996 film adaptation of William Shakespeare's play Hamlet and Shakespeare's original play. It notes that Branagh's film is generally very accurate to the original text, but also adds some visual elements not present in the play, such as flashbacks. It highlights some differences in setting between the 19th century setting of the film versus the 11th century Danish setting of the original play. Overall, the document analyzes differences and similarities between Branagh's cinematic adaptation and Shakespeare's play.
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Comparison of Branagh’s Hamlet and Shakespeare Hamlet.
1. 1) NAME :- Gohel Ankita Kishorbhai
2) Paper :- 1 (The Renaissance Literature)
3) Roll no :- 14
4) Topic :- Comparison of Branagh’s Hamlet
and Shakespeare Hamlet.
5) Email Id:
6) Submitted To:- Smt. Gardi Maharaja
Krishankumar Bhavanger University ,
Department of English
1)Kenneth Branagh's film version of Hamlet is a very accurate
representation of Shakespeare's original Hamlet.
2) Brangh ‘s also very visual and it frquently use of flashback
technique to depict the scene that are only described but many of
things not performed in shakespere’s text.
3) Hamlet childhood friendship with Yorick or scene only
implied by in the text but This is not shown in branagh’s
3. 4) Brangh’s set the internal scene in vidrantly colourful
setting , featuring a thorne dominated by mirror door.His
setting is a much modern than the original text.
5) In the movie we see that one character come in the
scene at the time another character gone in the
scene but in the original text, the character is moves
parallel in the eyery scene.
6) Kennath branagh is very beautiful presenting the
nunnery scene , mirror scene, ophelia madness scene ,
ghost scene and grave digging scene than original
7) The branagh’s film set in the 19 th century and that
was not shakespere ‘s time because shakespere’s play
set in 11 th century in dennmark.
4. 8) In the play shakespere is presenting the days of
ancient Rome or medieval denmmark and he used
the custom, custume and scenery of his own time but
in the film kennath branagh’s costuming the and
Scenery of his victorian time.Here there are vast
diffrences of culures and time.
9) Branagh’s does not add any languege to his version of
hamlet that does not appear in shakespere ‘s original
play itself.
10) If you watch this film you take special note of
branagh’s delivery of hamlet famouse ‘To be or not to
be soliloquy’ in third act and the unique way he
presenting the scene.It is more visulized than the
original play.
5. 11) In the begging of the movie , branagh’s roll over his
camera the statue of king hamlet outside of elsinore
castle and the movie ends with the similar sequence
where in the statue of king hamlet is hammered
down to the dust.This is not seen in the original play
. Branagh presenting the imagnative idea that it is not
king hamlet ‘s ambition to avenge his death
responsible for the of his kingdom which is
symbolically pictured in last scene.