in LOVE.. (^^,)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥I'm aRceLie..
♥my friends call me "arce" or "arcel"
♥my relatives call me "ARS"
♥my officemates,,they just prefer "ARCELIE"..
♥any nicknames will do,, but never caLL me "rabbit" or "minnie mouse" (they tease me rabbit because of my teeth,,dat's y i have braces now..)
♥my skills,, weLL,, im stiLL searching for that..
♥unfortunateLy,i don't know how to cook..
♥i don't eat much (d rison y im thin but sexy (",)
oh,i luv estufado..
♥i want to hate coffee (but i can'T)
♥do i Luv junkfud/fastfud? (hmm.. just ask RON)
ron,, yah as in RONALD.. he's my sweetest downfaLL..
♥A man who created a soundtrack to my life