I wanna meet myself as someone else just to see what it feels like.
umm….Im a StRAIG hT FOrWaRd gUy …... i LUuv TaKiN DaRes!LoLzZz. im pReTty eAzY person 2 Go along wTh…aNd EaZy 2 tAlK tO Too!!!!!.
highly moody AND WHN am In a BaD mo0D i DuNt lIsTeN tO anY sHIt!!!!!!
! love going out…..am really frieNdly anD talkative
i looooOoooooooOoove to hANG out wth ma FrIenDS AnD chILlARound
I like mAKin PPl LAugh EveN bY CrACkiNG lAmE n lousy JOKEz coz i maself laugh at everything. …..AnD i Am UsUaLLy VerYY hIGh!!!!
I love doing stupid things that make no sense at all......
And i liKe gettinG thingZ DONe iN mY oWn WAY which THEY actually DUNT…..So I