YoU KnOw hOw mUCH DiFfIcUlT It Is tO TaLk AbOuT OnEsElF N sPEcIaLy WhEn u HaVE To TeLl SoMeThInG GuD AbOuT YoUrSeLf BuT ThEn AlSo iL TrY..sOmE pEoPlE sAy iM gUd lOoKiN, sOmE sAyS i HaVe AtTrAcTiVe PeRsOnAlItY, sOmE sAyS mY dAnCe Is GuD, sOmE sAy Im HuNk, SoMe SaY i HaVe NiCe DrEsSiNg SeNsE, sOmE sAy Im VeRy QuItE, sOmE sAy My EnGlIsH aCcEnT iS gUd, SoMe SaY iF tHeY wErE aT mY pLaCe tHeY wUd HaVe iMpReSsEd GaLz In No SeCoNdS, sOmE sAyS iM gUd fRnD, sOmE sAyS "I dO nOt lUv U", sOmE sAyS iM gUd iN sTuDiEs, SoMe SaYs My DrIvInG iS nIcE, sOmE SaYs Im VeRy RiCh N wIlL bE mOrE rIcHeR iN fUtUrE, sOmE sAyS i rEsPeCt eLdErS n FeMaLeS, sOmE pEoPlE SaY iM a GuD bRoThEr GrAnDsOn SoN NePhEw...............
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