A 41-year-old man presented with left ankle pain at night and after activities like walking. He had fractured his tarsal bones two years prior in a road traffic accident and underwent surgery followed by immobilization for two months. On examination, he had an antalgic gait, edema around the left ankle and lower leg, and tenderness on the medial side of the foot. Range of motion of the left ankle was limited to 5 degrees of dorsiflexion and 10 degrees of plantar flexion with pain. Treatments included massage to reduce edema, passive mobilization and stretching of the ankle to improve range of motion, and a home exercise plan of active stretching.
M.J.Nilantha, 41 yrs, manager in a restaurant
C/O L/leg ankle pain at nights and after the activities like walking
and limitation of ROM in ankle due to pain
PMH/PSH Fracture in tarsal bones due to RTA sep 19 2014 (when he was
walking three whiller hit him) adimitted to Peradeniya Hospital, did an
opearation,and the ankle kept immobilized for 2 months.
He dont have any other medical conditions
Antaltic gait
Oedema around the L/ankle and lower leg
Tenderness in the medial side of the foot.
A ROM Dorsi flexion 5 Plantar flexion 10 (patient complains about pain
during the dorsi flextion than plantar flextion)
No significant reduction in ROM in knee
4. Treatments
Efflurage (STM) is done to reduce edema
Accessory movements and passive mobilization of left ankle joint is done to
reduce the joint stiffness
Passive stretching is done to gain ROM
Active stretching is encouraged as a home exercise