m very smart,intelligent,lovingly
friendly nature,cute,interested in making new friends who r very good
I love to keep on learning the every second of my lyf a new thing...
my motto of lyf is:- "live lyf to the fullest widout hurting others..."
i m peace loving guy.. i like to interact wid the people 4m whom i learn something.... otherwise itz better to leave alone...
i think:
仄留ki亳g 留 仄illi亳 fi亳d犖 i犖 亳 留 仄i癮cl,
仆 仄i癮cl i犖 fi亳d 留 fi亳d
w仆 will 犖Q留亳d by
w仆亳 留 仄illi亳 留 留g留i亳犖Q !!!
"wenevear v find key to success...
some IDIOTS changes the LOCK..