悋悵悋 悋惘惆惠 愆悧 惡惶惆 忰惠 惡悴悋忰
the default of life is success
it's not about doing one thing with 100% better,,,,,,it's a matter of doing 100 thing one percent better every day...........this is the definition of Progress
惺悴惡 忰悋 悋忰惆 .... 悋悋 忰悋悴悸 愆 惺悴惡悋 惡愃惘悋 惡 愕悸
惺愆 惡惡愕悋愀悸 惺愆 忰悋惠 惺愆 悋惠...... 悽 惡悋 忰惘 悋 ""
The only choice for life is success
悒悵悋 悋惘惆惠 愆悧 惡惶惆 忰惠 惡悴悋忰
惠愆惺惘 惡悸 悋惠 悋悋 惡惺惆 悋惠 ....