About me:
I am a very optimistic person and I always
try to look on the bright side of life. And yes,
bad things do happen to me, just like they
do to everyone, but you move on and accept
that that's life. I try to not let thing get me
down and stay positive!! :)
My favourite colour is lemon!! XD
And I love Pandas! I have 25 Pandas!
I love Art and design!!
I also love to sketch! As well as crafty things!
I LOVE TO DANCE!! I do Jazz, Tap,
Contemporary, Ballet and pointe!:)
I also love to sing! My favourite singers are
Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, and Birdy!! I am
also a massive fan of Alice Epstein
(@Ali_Folie) who is a still developing famous
artist!! <3 I wish her all the best luck in the