~Bray Cruz
What's Up People! Alternativo-Indie Rocker.:D #Muser,#Geek,#Otaku,#Gamer,#Cat,#Dreamer,#Naughty,#Weird,#Kisser.
Beyond the senses .
·Well, I'm not a person easy to understand ,so what I feel and think is not easy to find.
·1OOOOOOOO things make me happy.
·1OOOOOOOO things make me angry.
·live happy:)
·Take my smile is not difficult.
·To get to my heart there is only one way by which to arrive ;D
Quisiera que el abrir mis ojos estuvieras aquà junto a mi, alimentarme de tu boca, tatuar tu piel con mis labios y ya nunca mas sentir frió Vivian Topa Te amo ♥‼. 19.9*