â–ºJudge me, & ill prove you wrong.
â–ºTell me what to do, & ill tell you off.
â–ºSay im not worth it, & watch where I end up.
►Call me a bìtch, & ill show you one.
►Šcrew me over, ill do it twice as bad.
â–ºCall me crazy, but really you have no idea.
Life is meaningless only if we allow it to be..right? <3
Ask Ask Ask
A - crazy
L - is a very good kisser
Y - is loved by everyone
S - makes people laugh
S - makes people laugh
A - crazy
C - selfish
A - crazy
M - Makes dating fun
I - is really sweet & romantic
L - is a very good kisser
L - is a very good kisser
E - has gorgeous eyes