The Inuksuit were stone landmarks used by Inuit people for directions, warnings, and as markers for good hunting and fishing spots. They were shaped like human figures to mean "likeness of a person" and provided guidance to travelers. When hunting caribou, long lines of Inuksuit were used to confuse and trap the animals between the lines so hunters could kill them with bows and spears at the end.
2. Meaning
The meaning of Inuksuit it means
¡°likeness of a person¡± they used
them for directions and for the
travelers to let them that their is
danger ahead.
3. Marker
When they used them as a
marker for when their was a good
spot for fishing of hunting ,
hunting it had no arms of deer
antlers on top of it.
4. Hunting
When hunting caribou they made
two long lines of them, women
and children would hide behind
them, making noise they would
get confused they were trapped
at the end their was hunters that
would kill them with bows and
spears , some got away but most
were killed.
5. Fishing
When they fished with them ,
when they found a good fishing
spot where they had a lot of luck,
they would use them as a marker,
so they knew to come back their.