I played a real nasty sensitive girl but most of the roles I had up until then were very sweet and very nice.
♥c^H^a。◕‿◕。 i thInK i'm the CLumsiest of aLL the CHaRLEnE...
♥c^H^a。◕‿◕。 i'm a sensitive Person..
♥c^H^a。◕‿◕。 I RealLy love "BLUEGREEN stuffs
♥c^H^a。◕‿◕。I'm A TACTLESS person
♥c^H^a。◕‿◕。 I reaLLy HAte people With EGoistiC aTtitude
♥c^H^a。◕‿◕。i"m very Open with My frienDs about my Life especialllY LOVE LIFE....:(
♥c^H^a。◕‿◕。 I Love people With sense oF HumoR..
♥c^H^a。◕‿◕。 I REally h8 MANIACS..
♥c^H^a。◕‿◕。 I"m a LoVing Person...(choZ..karoz,kuti KantOs...)hehe