i Am jUst a sImpLe giRL haVinG a sIMpLe liFe...
a girL wHo iS 5"6 in height wiTh a veRy yoUng AgE...
i Am frieNdLy...
i aM a haPpy peRsOn...
i LovE my fAmiLy, frIenDs esPeciALLy mY FABZ...
i haTE pLAstics...
i Hate O.A...
i hAte InseCurE peOple...
i hAte feeLers...
i haTe sOciAL cLimber...
thEy saY:
i am gOod in fAsHioN...
i haVe a GooD pEnmansHiP...
a gOod desiGner...
a gOOd friend...
a girL whO unsdersTanDs tHe situaTioN of otheRs...
a giRL wHo caN bE trUsteD...
bUt beHInd tHose posiTiVe aspects tHere aRe aLso neGative,
they saY i aM "MaARTE"...
a girL whO LookS dOwn otheRs...
bUt iTs oKAy...
siNce i aM nOt gOOd in hAndLing reLAtionsHipS...
i jUst wiS