abOut mE..
weLL..my frends coL me 'maneh' perO mas feeL qoNg twagin aQong 'minnie' or 'dada'
..i hVe a pOsiTiVE aTTitUDe..
kiNd hEartEd aNd diFferENt..
..iNdEPenDEnt aNd wELL oRGaNiZEd
..cOnfiDent aNd rEsponCbLe..
..i cAres aBout my fAmily
aNd rEady 2 sErve otHers..
i OftEn wOrk alOne in mY oWn wAy,
i h8 bEing dictated..["sOvra as in"]
..i am much sTronger daN i LOoks..
..dA tyPe oF pErsOn dAt wHenever dEr r dIfficUlties,
i alWays oN mY bEst 2 wOrk it ouT..
..i'm hOnest yEt nAugHty..
..oPtiMistic bUt fraNk..
..tHoUGhtfUL aNd faiR..
..eMOtioNaL aNd eageR 2 find wats da truth..
..faiThfUL yeT vULNerabLe
..wELL maNNered peRson..
..ready 2 heLp aNd giVe adVices..