°ä´Ç°ù±è´Ç°ù²¹³Ù±ð°ä´Ç²Ô²Ô±ð³¦³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô²õâ„¢ is a premiere forum for accelerating business and personal growth. It provides global business leaders the ideal setting for generating exceptional and measurable results through executive networking opportunities. Our members join °ä´Ç°ù±è´Ç°ù²¹³Ù±ð°ä´Ç²Ô²Ô±ð³¦³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô²õâ„¢ to develop business relationships, gain access to advanced professional development opportunities and to participate in peer advisory groups.
Our proven model helps you build strategic and tactical relationships through a structured and supportive environment comprised of other successful business owners and top executives.
°ä´Ç°ù±è´Ç°ù²¹³Ù±ð°ä´Ç²Ô²Ô±ð³¦³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô²õâ„¢ is in UAE and membership is open to qualified business professionals.