The document outlines the writing process, which includes seven steps: prewriting, rough draft, rereading, sharing with peer revisers, revising, editing, and publishing. In the prewriting step, students generate ideas. They write a rough draft without worrying about conventions. Then they reread their work and share it with peers to get feedback. Next, they revise by adding details and improving based on feedback. They edit for mechanics and spelling. Finally, they produce a final draft and publish their work.
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Paragraph writing
3.  Prewriting. Students generate ideas for writing: brainstorming;
reading literature; creating life maps, webs, and story charts;
developing word banks; deciding on form, audience, voice, and
purpose as well as through teacher motivation.
 Rough Draft. Students get their ideas on paper. They write
without concern for conventions. Written work does not have to
be neat; it is a 'sloppy copy.'
 Reread. Students proof their own work by reading aloud and
reading for sensibility.
 Share with a Peer Reviser. Students share and make
suggestions for improvement: asking who, what, when, where,
why, and how questions about parts of the story the peer does
not understand; looking for better words; and talking about
how to make the work better.
4.  Revise. Improve what the narrative says and how it
says it: write additions, imagery, and details. Take out
unnecessary work. Use peer suggestions to improve.
 Editing. Work together on editing for mechanics and
spelling. Make sure the work is 'goof proof.'
 Final Draft. Students produce their final copy to
discuss with the teacher and write a final draft.
 Publishing. Students publish their written pieces:
sending their work to publishers; reading their
finished story aloud, making books.
6. ï‚¡ A topic sentence usually comes at the
beginning of a paragraph.
ï‚¡ the most general sentence in a paragraph.
7. ï‚¡ Explanation about the topic sentence
ï‚¡ Can be made by giving the sequencing
transition signal, such as first, second, third,
ï‚¡ Details ïƒ explains the supporting
8. ï‚¡ Positioned in the end of paragraph mostly.
ï‚¡ Restate of topic sentence
ï‚¡ Paraphrasing of the topic sentence
ï‚¡ Summarizing
9. Access to
Clean and
health care
teachers and
Canada: The continue
Many parks &
best country studying
many space in the world
to live
standard of
10. ï‚¡ Canada is the best country in the world.
1. Canada has good health care system.
1.1 Canadians can access to medical services in
reasonable price .
2. Canada has a high standard of education.
2.1 Students are taught by well-trained teachers.
2.2 Students continue their studying at university.
3. The cities are clean and manage well.
3.1 Cities have many parks and lots of space for
people to live.
11. There are three reasons why Canada is one
of the best countries in the world. First, Canada
has an excellent health care system. All Canadians
have access to medical services at a reasonable
price. Second, Canada has a high standard of
education. Students are taught by well-trained
teachers and are encouraged to continue studying
at university. Finally, Canada’s cities are clean and
efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many
parks and lots of space for people to live. As a
result, Canada is a desirable place to live.