I'm a gUrl whO sEeks a "vEry spEciaL lOve"..
i'm vEry jeAloUs to peOple hU sticKs to my lOve oNes..
i eAsiLy gEt hUrt..bUt thrOugh tHe hElp of my deAr loviNg aNd vEry uNderstAnding frNds i cAn smiLe aNd fAce eVery tOmOrrow thAt cOmes..
i'm sEnsitive aNd fUll of iNsecUrity..
aSidE frOm mY frNds, nO One cAn undErstand mE..aNd sOme hAtes mE fOr whO i aM..siMply bEcausE thEy dOnt knOw mE..and thEy eAsily jUdge mE..
>>fOr my lOvers:thAnks fOr thE uncOnditiOnal lOve
>>fOr my friEnds: thAnks fOr thE suppOrt and thE advicEs..and prAyers..it hElps mE a LOt..
>>fOr my hAters: thAnks fOr hatiNg mE..i lOve to bE yOur tOpic..hAha..(d pKO sikat kOh cmO)..