Opening Remarks
- Claire Lee, Founder of Women in Tech x Data Science
1. Why was Women in Tech x Data Science started?
2. What are you most excited for at the upcoming event?
3. Where do you see WiTxDS moving in the future?
- Eunjoo Jeon, Ph.D., Senior Healthcare Data Scientist at Samsung SDS
1. Career Progress
2. What is Nursing Informatics?
3. Work at Intersection: Academia vs. Industry
3. Current Projects
6. Working with Amazing Female Bosses
Silja Kim
Associate at &Beyond VC
New York, 2015
Laurie Heller
Global Program Director at IBM
New York, 2016
Jen Midori
Director of Engineering at Kiva
San Francisco, 2018
8. Importance of Mentorship
Without mentorship, it will take way longer for you to get
where you want to be on your own.
Common misconceptions & caveats:
1. You dont need permission to have someone as a mentor.
2. Your peer can also be your mentor if you can learn from
3. Mentorship requires a great amount of investment, so be
respectful of your mentors time and energy.
4. To foster mentorship, remember It takes two to tango.
What is Mentorship? Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable
person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person.
9. What are you most excited for at the upcoming event?
13. Our efforts to increase womens presence in leadership
Problems: glass ceiling, wage gap, lack of support network
Suggested solutions:
Speak up! Your voice matters. Express your opinion clearly & make
your argument compelling by using data.
Engagement: find a community that you feel belonged to and build up
your professional network with other women in the field.
Ask for what you deserve: Recognize what is wrong at work and fight
for the cause you believe in.
Harvard Business Review: Guideline for Winning Negotiations
Management Consulting Case Studies
Local female empowerment organizations: e.g., Women in Tech x
Data Science
Speed Networking Practice in April
Negotiation Strategy Workshop in May
19. Work in Academia
1. Set your interest
2. Get the latest trends
3. Read the related papers over and over
4. Define the problem and solution
4. Design the experiment
5. Conduct experiment and evaluation
6. Write a article
23. Work in Industry
1. Set up a business model
2. Find the pain point of customer
3. Define the analysis task
4. Check available data and resources
5. Conduct Analysis (model selection, learning, evaluation)
6. Provide a service based on analysis results
7. Maintain the service