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The Communication Reform Group

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仗舒 亠仂仄 从仂仄仆从舒亶 (The Communication Reform Group) 仗仂亠从 仗亳 舒弍仆亠 仆于 丕从舒仆亳,磻亳亶 仂亰仂弍仍亠仆亳亶 亰 亰舒仍亠仆仆礆 从仂仄舒仆亟亳 从仂仄仆从舒亶仆亳 从仂仆仍舒仆于 亰 丕从舒仆亳 舒 亠仍亳从仂弍亳舒仆, 束仂仄仆从舒 亟仍 亰仄仆損 舒 舒亞亠仆于舒 束Whites Communication損. 亠舒 仗仂亠从 仂亰仂弍亳亳 舒仆 从仂仆亠仗 亠仂仄亳 磲仂于亳 从仂仄仆从舒亶 仆舒 仂仆仂于 亟仂仍亟亢亠仆仆 仗仂亠弍 从舒仆从仂亞仂 丕磲 舒 从舒亳 于仂仗亠亶从亳


Concept of the Government Communication Reform
Concept of the Government Communication ReformConcept of the Government Communication Reform
Concept of the Government Communication Reform
亠仂仄舒 磲仂于亳 从仂仄仆从舒亶 亠仍亳从仂弍亳舒仆
亠仂仄舒 磲仂于亳 从仂仄仆从舒亶  亠仍亳从仂弍亳舒仆 亠仂仄舒 磲仂于亳 从仂仄仆从舒亶  亠仍亳从仂弍亳舒仆
亠仂仄舒 磲仂于亳 从仂仄仆从舒亶 亠仍亳从仂弍亳舒仆
Audit of the communication resources
Audit of the communication resourcesAudit of the communication resources
Audit of the communication resources