I'm surbhi.......and hence, the association with dark stuff, night, darkness, cuteness, sexiness,awesome attitude… etc, etc
As the typical Cancerian I am,
I love money, and lov my work as m dedicated to my work…..nd is very serious about relationships…m addicted to anime
I'm also an anime addict, which was confirmed when I realized that i was in love with a cartoon.
AnImE......i'M a FrEaKaZoid
ChOcOlAtE...sInFuLlY dElIgHtFuL
EnrIQuE iGLesIuS... mY fRiGgIn' HeRo
ThE tV aNd CoMp....My WoRlD
MuSiC( mY iPoD ) N DrAmA......mY lIfE
Other than these I'm just a simple, hyper, sweet, cute, sexy, very kind hearted, generous, moody, bubbly, loyal, annoyingly gud frnd