This resume summarizes the experience of Arjun Kumar S S as a Solution Engineer and Architect with over 6 years of experience in middleware technologies like Weblogic, Websphere, and JBoss. He has expertise in installation, configuration, troubleshooting and performance tuning of application servers. Some of his key responsibilities include addressing production issues, customizing products to client requirements, setting up new environments, and automating maintenance tasks using scripts.
PUB_002_Rise of the Machines ¬Imaging MindFloris van Eck
This document discusses how machines can "see" through detection, recognition, and context. It provides examples of technologies that use infrared light and motion detection (detection), face detection and object recognition through neural networks (recognition), and context awareness between objects. As machines are exposed to more data and use artificial intelligence, their ability to see will continue improving.
O documento 辿 uma can巽達o sobre um mission叩rio crist達o que se disp探e a viajar para diversos pa鱈ses da frica, sia e Am辿rica para pregar o evangelho e ajudar aqueles que pedem socorro, reconhecendo que as na巽探es precisam ouvir sobre Deus e que 辿 necess叩rio que algu辿m se disponha a ir at辿 elas.
Communication is the process of transmitting and receiving messages between a sender and receiver. It involves sharing of thoughts, ideas, and emotions. The sender formulates a message and encodes it to transmit through a medium to the receiver, who decodes it. There are various modes of communication like speaking-listening, writing-reading, visualizing-observing, and doing-learning. The communication process can be affected by factors related to the sender, receiver, atmosphere, and message, as well as psychological, physical, language, background, and organizational barriers.
Este documento lista los nombres de varias personas y sus pa鱈ses de origen, incluyendo a Javier P辿rez de M辿xico, Isidro Ferrer de Espa単a, y varias personas de los Estados Unidos como Santlov, Brock Davis y Aled Lewis. Tambi辿n menciona t辿rminos como "disparadores creativos" y "poes鱈a visual", as鱈 como a Chema Madoz de Espa単a.
O documento apresenta conceitos b叩sicos de higiene e seguran巽a no trabalho, incluindo defini巽探es de risco, perigo, acidente, incidente e doen巽a ocupacional. Tamb辿m descreve a classifica巽達o de riscos e o modelo de causas de perdas de Frank Bird, com a pir但mide dos acidentes.
Este documento ofrece consejos para eliminar ojeras y mejorar la apariencia. Recomienda usar cortes de pelo que enmarquen la cara para ocultar orejas grandes, y acondicionador para mantener el cabello en buen estado. Tambi辿n aconseja aplicar corrector debajo de los ojos antes del maquillaje para uniformizar el color de la piel, y comenzar a peinar el cabello desde atr叩s para evitar cansarse. Finalmente, recomienda limpiar los pinceles con agua y champ炭 para beb辿s para evitar
Atraer tr叩fico a la web s坦lo es el principio del largo camino hacia la conversi坦n. Te presentamos las mejores estrategias digitales para aumentar el n炭mero de ventas de tu empresa.
Laura Estefany Lenis Zapata es una estudiante de 19 a単os de comunicaci坦n social en Palmira, Colombia. Ella disfruta estar informada sobre los eventos en su pa鱈s y le gusta hablar en p炭blico y la fotograf鱈a. Su relaci坦n con la publicidad es constante debido a que vive en un mundo donde la imagen y los beneficios de los productos se promueven a trav辿s de los medios de comunicaci坦n. Realizar esta actividad le ayud坦 a aprender m叩s sobre la publicidad en su entorno y profundizar en el uso de diferentes planos fotogr叩ficos.
El documento describe la evoluci坦n temprana de los veh鱈culos motorizados desde el siglo XVII hasta principios del siglo XX. Los primeros intentos de crear veh鱈culos autopropulsados usaban vapor, pero no fue hasta 1885 cuando Karl Benz introdujo el primer autom坦vil de gasolina efectivo. La industria del autom坦vil luego creci坦 r叩pidamente en pa鱈ses como Gran Breta単a, Francia y Estados Unidos en las primeras d辿cadas del siglo XX.
O documento cont辿m 4 versos que destacam palavras preciosas de Jesus, o supremo Rei, oferecendo descanso, consolo e vit坦ria para aqueles que nele confiam.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a los modelos administrativos, describiendo el modelo del objetivo racional, el modelo de procesos internos, el modelo de relaciones humanas y el modelo de sistemas abiertos. Tambi辿n analiza la importancia de realizar un diagn坦stico exhaustivo de una organizaci坦n y los beneficios de aplicar modelos administrativos para producir cambios que mejoren el desempe単o y alcance de objetivos.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para crear una p叩gina web usando la plataforma Jimdo en 3 pasos: 1) registrarse en Jimdo y hacer clic en "crear p叩ginas web", 2) revisar el correo electr坦nico para hacer clic en el enlace y acceder a la p叩gina para personalizarla, y 3) insertar videos, im叩genes u otros elementos mediante la opci坦n "insertar nuevo elemento", proporcionando un enlace y configurando el tama単o y ubicaci坦n.
O documento 辿 uma letra de m炭sica onde um grupo canta louvores a Deus, expressando seu desejo de dar gl坦ria e louvor a Ele, enquanto levantam as m達os e celebram que o Senhor 辿 grande e sem igual em seus milagres.
Satya Bharti School in Sohian village, Punjab sought to improve safety and learning conditions by installing a fence and leveling uneven ground. Through community support, the students and teachers raised Rs. 13,000 for fencing by visiting each home for donations. With additional help from the village leader, the school's 400 foot perimeter was enclosed and ground was leveled by October 1st, creating a protected environment for students. The community remains committed to further beautifying the school grounds.
IND-2012-223 Kerala Public School -Vermicompost DFC2011
This document summarizes the efforts of the Eco Club at Kerala Public School, Mango to address the unhygienic conditions near their school by implementing a vermicomposting initiative. The Eco Club surveyed the local community, distributed informational pamphlets about reducing and segregating waste, and convinced a local rag-picker to collect vegetable peels for the vermicomposting pit in exchange for payment. Their actions resulted in cleaner surroundings and built confidence and team spirit among the Eco Club members.
The document outlines the launch and activities of a "Design for Change" program held on May 18th 2012. A fun fair was organized in September to both raise funds and spread an environmental message. Over Rs. 800 was raised. A street play and rally were also held in October to promote a no littering message. The event involved several youth participants between the ages of 12-14.
IND-2012-219 AKYSBI Mumbai No Litter, Be FitterDFC2011
The document outlines the launch and activities of a "Design for Change" program held on May 18th 2012. A fun fair was organized in September to both raise funds and spread an environmental message. Over Rs. 800 was raised. A street play and rally were also held in October to promote a no littering message. The event involved several youth participants between the ages of 12-14.
The document describes a youth group's efforts to address poor road conditions in their community. They formed a group after learning about the Design for Change program. The group selected roads as their issue and drafted a letter. They met with local assistants and the municipal co-operator Changez Multani to discuss the issue and receive guidance. Both the assistants and Multani were supportive and promised to repair the roads. The group was satisfied with the progress made on their issue and learned that their efforts led to positive change.
IND-2012-217 Sankar Reddiyar Govt.Hr.Sec School -Promote Kitchen Garden-in To...DFC2011
The document discusses a project conducted by Sankar Reddiyar Hr.Sec.School in Nanguneri to promote kitchen gardening practices and reduce kitchen waste. It notes that most town households did not practice kitchen gardening due to lack of space. The project created awareness about kitchen gardening, promoted hydroponics techniques, and distributed seeds. As a result, 189 households started kitchen gardens using their kitchen waste water, reducing liquid waste in drains and improving community health.
IND-2012-188 Center Point School -Pani hi Paisa Hai : Save a Drop, Save a PennyDFC2011
This document summarizes activities at Centre Point School in Nagpur related to water conservation. [1] The school was working to promote water conservation awareness among students and staff through various activities like checking for leaks, collecting water bills, enacting plays about the water cycle, and planting drought-resistant plants. [2] Students participated in model-making competitions and educational outreach in the community about saving water. [3] Data collected before and after water conservation efforts showed a reduction in the number of water tankers needed and amount of money spent, indicating the activities helped save water.
IND-2012-187 SBS Rauni -Bikhar naa Jaye yeh Taare Zameen ParDFC2011
The document summarizes the efforts of Govt. Satya Bharti Adarsh Sen. Sec. School in Rauni, Punjab to address the problem of child labor in their village. The school identified children who were working instead of attending school through surveys. They organized awareness campaigns and rallies to educate the community. They also contacted local leaders and newspapers to bring attention to the issue. While they faced resistance from some, they gained support from community members and leaders who want to help children access education. The school's efforts aimed to inspire change in beliefs and support the right of all children to go to school.
IND-2012-186 The Calorx School Hope for HeritageDFC2011
Students interviewed community members to identify local issues. They selected conserving heritage structures as an important issue to address. The students then planned a street play to raise awareness on this topic with a large audience. They created props and bookmarks to distribute after their performance. Letters were written to obtain permission to perform in designated areas. Finally, the street play was performed and the students reflected on their experience.
IND-2012-185 Govt.High School,Thiruvenkatanathapuram -Say No - Plastic BagsDFC2011
Students created an awareness campaign called "Say No - Plastic Bags" to reduce plastic waste in villages. Their plan was to educate younger generations about the hazards of plastic waste, encourage villagers to say no to plastic bags, and promote the use of cotton bags as an alternative. As a result, 289 students were sensitized and 7 local shops began offering cotton bags to reduce plastic waste dumping in fields and public spaces.
Este documento ofrece consejos para eliminar ojeras y mejorar la apariencia. Recomienda usar cortes de pelo que enmarquen la cara para ocultar orejas grandes, y acondicionador para mantener el cabello en buen estado. Tambi辿n aconseja aplicar corrector debajo de los ojos antes del maquillaje para uniformizar el color de la piel, y comenzar a peinar el cabello desde atr叩s para evitar cansarse. Finalmente, recomienda limpiar los pinceles con agua y champ炭 para beb辿s para evitar
Atraer tr叩fico a la web s坦lo es el principio del largo camino hacia la conversi坦n. Te presentamos las mejores estrategias digitales para aumentar el n炭mero de ventas de tu empresa.
Laura Estefany Lenis Zapata es una estudiante de 19 a単os de comunicaci坦n social en Palmira, Colombia. Ella disfruta estar informada sobre los eventos en su pa鱈s y le gusta hablar en p炭blico y la fotograf鱈a. Su relaci坦n con la publicidad es constante debido a que vive en un mundo donde la imagen y los beneficios de los productos se promueven a trav辿s de los medios de comunicaci坦n. Realizar esta actividad le ayud坦 a aprender m叩s sobre la publicidad en su entorno y profundizar en el uso de diferentes planos fotogr叩ficos.
El documento describe la evoluci坦n temprana de los veh鱈culos motorizados desde el siglo XVII hasta principios del siglo XX. Los primeros intentos de crear veh鱈culos autopropulsados usaban vapor, pero no fue hasta 1885 cuando Karl Benz introdujo el primer autom坦vil de gasolina efectivo. La industria del autom坦vil luego creci坦 r叩pidamente en pa鱈ses como Gran Breta単a, Francia y Estados Unidos en las primeras d辿cadas del siglo XX.
O documento cont辿m 4 versos que destacam palavras preciosas de Jesus, o supremo Rei, oferecendo descanso, consolo e vit坦ria para aqueles que nele confiam.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a los modelos administrativos, describiendo el modelo del objetivo racional, el modelo de procesos internos, el modelo de relaciones humanas y el modelo de sistemas abiertos. Tambi辿n analiza la importancia de realizar un diagn坦stico exhaustivo de una organizaci坦n y los beneficios de aplicar modelos administrativos para producir cambios que mejoren el desempe単o y alcance de objetivos.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para crear una p叩gina web usando la plataforma Jimdo en 3 pasos: 1) registrarse en Jimdo y hacer clic en "crear p叩ginas web", 2) revisar el correo electr坦nico para hacer clic en el enlace y acceder a la p叩gina para personalizarla, y 3) insertar videos, im叩genes u otros elementos mediante la opci坦n "insertar nuevo elemento", proporcionando un enlace y configurando el tama単o y ubicaci坦n.
O documento 辿 uma letra de m炭sica onde um grupo canta louvores a Deus, expressando seu desejo de dar gl坦ria e louvor a Ele, enquanto levantam as m達os e celebram que o Senhor 辿 grande e sem igual em seus milagres.
Satya Bharti School in Sohian village, Punjab sought to improve safety and learning conditions by installing a fence and leveling uneven ground. Through community support, the students and teachers raised Rs. 13,000 for fencing by visiting each home for donations. With additional help from the village leader, the school's 400 foot perimeter was enclosed and ground was leveled by October 1st, creating a protected environment for students. The community remains committed to further beautifying the school grounds.
IND-2012-223 Kerala Public School -Vermicompost DFC2011
This document summarizes the efforts of the Eco Club at Kerala Public School, Mango to address the unhygienic conditions near their school by implementing a vermicomposting initiative. The Eco Club surveyed the local community, distributed informational pamphlets about reducing and segregating waste, and convinced a local rag-picker to collect vegetable peels for the vermicomposting pit in exchange for payment. Their actions resulted in cleaner surroundings and built confidence and team spirit among the Eco Club members.
The document outlines the launch and activities of a "Design for Change" program held on May 18th 2012. A fun fair was organized in September to both raise funds and spread an environmental message. Over Rs. 800 was raised. A street play and rally were also held in October to promote a no littering message. The event involved several youth participants between the ages of 12-14.
IND-2012-219 AKYSBI Mumbai No Litter, Be FitterDFC2011
The document outlines the launch and activities of a "Design for Change" program held on May 18th 2012. A fun fair was organized in September to both raise funds and spread an environmental message. Over Rs. 800 was raised. A street play and rally were also held in October to promote a no littering message. The event involved several youth participants between the ages of 12-14.
The document describes a youth group's efforts to address poor road conditions in their community. They formed a group after learning about the Design for Change program. The group selected roads as their issue and drafted a letter. They met with local assistants and the municipal co-operator Changez Multani to discuss the issue and receive guidance. Both the assistants and Multani were supportive and promised to repair the roads. The group was satisfied with the progress made on their issue and learned that their efforts led to positive change.
IND-2012-217 Sankar Reddiyar Govt.Hr.Sec School -Promote Kitchen Garden-in To...DFC2011
The document discusses a project conducted by Sankar Reddiyar Hr.Sec.School in Nanguneri to promote kitchen gardening practices and reduce kitchen waste. It notes that most town households did not practice kitchen gardening due to lack of space. The project created awareness about kitchen gardening, promoted hydroponics techniques, and distributed seeds. As a result, 189 households started kitchen gardens using their kitchen waste water, reducing liquid waste in drains and improving community health.
IND-2012-188 Center Point School -Pani hi Paisa Hai : Save a Drop, Save a PennyDFC2011
This document summarizes activities at Centre Point School in Nagpur related to water conservation. [1] The school was working to promote water conservation awareness among students and staff through various activities like checking for leaks, collecting water bills, enacting plays about the water cycle, and planting drought-resistant plants. [2] Students participated in model-making competitions and educational outreach in the community about saving water. [3] Data collected before and after water conservation efforts showed a reduction in the number of water tankers needed and amount of money spent, indicating the activities helped save water.
IND-2012-187 SBS Rauni -Bikhar naa Jaye yeh Taare Zameen ParDFC2011
The document summarizes the efforts of Govt. Satya Bharti Adarsh Sen. Sec. School in Rauni, Punjab to address the problem of child labor in their village. The school identified children who were working instead of attending school through surveys. They organized awareness campaigns and rallies to educate the community. They also contacted local leaders and newspapers to bring attention to the issue. While they faced resistance from some, they gained support from community members and leaders who want to help children access education. The school's efforts aimed to inspire change in beliefs and support the right of all children to go to school.
IND-2012-186 The Calorx School Hope for HeritageDFC2011
Students interviewed community members to identify local issues. They selected conserving heritage structures as an important issue to address. The students then planned a street play to raise awareness on this topic with a large audience. They created props and bookmarks to distribute after their performance. Letters were written to obtain permission to perform in designated areas. Finally, the street play was performed and the students reflected on their experience.
IND-2012-185 Govt.High School,Thiruvenkatanathapuram -Say No - Plastic BagsDFC2011
Students created an awareness campaign called "Say No - Plastic Bags" to reduce plastic waste in villages. Their plan was to educate younger generations about the hazards of plastic waste, encourage villagers to say no to plastic bags, and promote the use of cotton bags as an alternative. As a result, 289 students were sensitized and 7 local shops began offering cotton bags to reduce plastic waste dumping in fields and public spaces.
IND-2012-24 PERKS Martic Higher Sec School Safety IndiaDFC2011
This document summarizes the Design for Change School Challenge 2012 hosted by Perks Junior School in Coimbatore, India. It discusses problems voted on by students such as drug addiction, littering, and traffic accidents. The core team then worked to raise awareness of traffic safety by organizing a program with police in the traffic park for students and guiding parents on the importance of helmets through a presentation by an Honda representative. The initiative received a good response from parents.