METAL = <3
It's Danial (If you haven't figured it out by now then you're a freaking idiot). If you guys really know me, you'll know what I am like. BUT if you really wanna get to know me better then add me or something. Ask me yourself. There won't be anything complicated here. I've better things to do then to TypE lIkE ThIs MaKiNg ThINgS hARd tO ReAd, @ND 1 D0NT H@\/3 @ (0/V\PL1(@T3D TYP1NG 5TYL3
Things you should know
1) i DoNt TyPE LykE THiS
2) I like my prata
3) I don't like bad English, unless it is understandable
4) Prata is best eaten with curry
Playing - 1a, 4a, 5a divisions.
Main throw - Chaotic, Protostar, Dark Magic
Genres - Rock, Hard rock,