I'm so blessed... I am marrying my best friend and love of my life on May 21st, I have a wonderful family and future family-in-law, I have the best pets EVER... and the best is yet to come. :) Looking forward to a beautiful life!
...I know a love
If you know me, then you should already know. If you don't... GeT tO kNoW mE!
Some facts:
*I'm athletic
*Jesus Christ IS my Lord and Savior
*I'm 5'9"
*I'm lighthearted... like to have fun, joke around, hang out with friends, go dancing, go out to eat (any reason to get dressed up)
*Women Go CrAzY for a sharp dressed man!!!
Havin' fun... livin' life...tryin' hard but remaining sane...stayin' krunk...living/breathing music and dance :)