Grunt.js is a build tool like Rake, Ant, Maven, and Groovy that uses npm and JSON syntax. It is easy to extend and supports various environments. The document discusses several Grunt plugins for text input/output including grunt-figlet, grunt-cat, grunt-attention, grunt-prompt, and grunt-notify. It also briefly describes the Grunt API and configuration utilities.
17. Grunt API
Helpful Utils
rn on Windows, n otherwise
grunt.file.readJSON(filepath [, options])
grunt.file.readYAML(filepath [, options])
Grunt.config API
grunt.config([prop [, value]])
'<%= foo %>'
grunt.config.requires(prop [, prop [, ...]])
18. var VARIABLES = require('./GruntVariables.js');
var _ = require ("lodash");
var files1 = {
var1: ["one"]
var all = [];
var files2 = {
var2 : all
var global = _.extend(files1, files2, {
openPath : "http://localhost:9000"
module.exports = global;