one has to interact with me to know me
仄仄b 2 仄 i仄留亳 邸 f 旅.....
1. 旅 留仄 留留 ig仆...
2. 旅 僚 旅 留仄 侶g...留 f.... 留亳d 亳仄于 侶 留g留i亳!!!!!
s留仄諜仆留 !!!!
so thats how i am not alone and am not committed.....I am simply on reserve, for
the one who deserves...!
2.Don't PLAY With Me ! Coz I know I Can PLAY Better Than You...
3.M NoT pErFeCt fOr yA bUt m aLwAyS Me....
4.I dont care if people dont like me...
aFter all i m nt d facebook status to be liked..
5.Two Fundamental Of Cool life......
Walk Like You are the King.