A law firm representing homeowners in a lawsuit against developer Haseko has requested an investigation by the Honolulu City Council and Ethics Commission into Haseko's relationship with staffers at the Department of Planning and Permitting. The letter alleges that private meetings occurred between DPP staffers and Haseko regarding pending matters, in potential violation of sunshine laws. It notes a jury previously found Haseko committed unfair practices regarding a failed marina project. The firm asks the Council and Commission to look into the matter to ensure the neutrality and integrity of the development process and DPP. Attached documents are provided to support the assertions made in the letter.
This document provides equipment details and specifications for a temperature and humidity programmable controller climate chamber. It includes details on the manufacturer in China, dimensions, power requirements, temperature and humidity ranges and accuracy, cooling and heating speeds, materials, and safety features. Application examples are given such as simulating various environmental conditions and cyclic testing. The programmable controller details step programming capabilities. Production photos show the manufacturing process and stock units.
This document contains summaries of key events and questions from the Cold War era:
1) It outlines the origins of the Cold War following World War 2, including the breakdown of relations between the US and USSR and Soviet expansion into Eastern Europe behind the Iron Curtain.
2) It asks how the USSR gained control of Eastern Europe by 1948 and how the US reacted to Soviet expansionism.
3) It summarizes the Cuban Revolution, the US reaction including the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, and the Cuban Missile Crisis between the US and USSR, including the roles of Khrushchev and Kennedy and the resolution.
The document discusses an ACC 202 exam. It provides a link to study tips and resources for the ACC 202 exam hosted on the website homework-tips.com. The copyright at the bottom indicates the content is copyrighted to AllRights Reserved in 2016.
Ahmad Galal Sayed Ahmad is seeking a mechanical engineering position that offers diverse responsibilities. He has a BSc in mechanical engineering from Suez Canal University. His work experience includes overseeing production lines for centrifugal pumps at AL-FARID Factory and serving as an operation and maintenance engineer for pumps, firefighting systems, and pipe networks at Princess Nora University. He has skills in maintenance planning, mechanical systems, pumps, and computer programs like ICDL and has private driver's license.
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Presentation of a diploma thesis about viral marketing. It brings a comprehensive view of the area of viral marketing. Identifies the most important aspects in detail to achieve a successful viral spread and outlines the possibilities of its measurement and use.
Takaful industry in Pakistan,GCC & Malaysia: Growth Challenges & future Prosp...Aamer Rahim
This document provides an introduction and overview of Takaful (Islamic insurance). It discusses:
1) The background and need for an Islamic alternative to conventional insurance due to issues like gharar (uncertainty) and riba (interest).
2) The key principles of Takaful including tabarru (voluntary donation or contribution) and ta'awun (mutual assistance).
3) The types of Takaful products and some ongoing Shariah issues regarding concepts like nomination, distribution of surplus, and tabarru.
Dissertation on Social Media Advertising Practices in the Fast Fashion Indust...Amresh Pratap Yadav
This document provides a literature review on social media advertising strategies employed by fast fashion brands like H&M and Zara and their impact on customer purchase intentions and brand loyalty. It identifies several theories that explain how social media advertising can influence consumer behavior, such as the 4C framework and Hierarchy of Effects model. Popular social media strategies used by fast fashion brands, including display ads, photo and video posting, are also examined. While social media advertising is found to be generally more effective than traditional methods, more research is still needed to understand its effects according to different theories. The review informs the study's methodology to analyze the link between H&M's and Zara's social media strategies and customer outcomes in the UK.
Presentation of a diploma thesis about viral marketing. It brings a comprehensive view of the area of viral marketing. Identifies the most important aspects in detail to achieve a successful viral spread and outlines the possibilities of its measurement and use.
Takaful industry in Pakistan,GCC & Malaysia: Growth Challenges & future Prosp...Aamer Rahim
This document provides an introduction and overview of Takaful (Islamic insurance). It discusses:
1) The background and need for an Islamic alternative to conventional insurance due to issues like gharar (uncertainty) and riba (interest).
2) The key principles of Takaful including tabarru (voluntary donation or contribution) and ta'awun (mutual assistance).
3) The types of Takaful products and some ongoing Shariah issues regarding concepts like nomination, distribution of surplus, and tabarru.
Dissertation on Social Media Advertising Practices in the Fast Fashion Indust...Amresh Pratap Yadav
This document provides a literature review on social media advertising strategies employed by fast fashion brands like H&M and Zara and their impact on customer purchase intentions and brand loyalty. It identifies several theories that explain how social media advertising can influence consumer behavior, such as the 4C framework and Hierarchy of Effects model. Popular social media strategies used by fast fashion brands, including display ads, photo and video posting, are also examined. While social media advertising is found to be generally more effective than traditional methods, more research is still needed to understand its effects according to different theories. The review informs the study's methodology to analyze the link between H&M's and Zara's social media strategies and customer outcomes in the UK.