I am a Korean. but I became a Buddist monk at Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation Center in Myanmar.
Dhira(wise,bright,firm覈,讌襦,螻), vamsa(generation of the Bhddha 覿れ 螳譟,碁)
Let's think about this. As a human being, to follow the Buddhas's noble path, to associate with the noble people, and also to live those noble life, there is no greed-hate-ignorance, is what a happy and blessed life.
瑚朱 企 -焔-覓伎螳 覿れ 煙る 蠍語 磯ゴ覃, 煙る 螻 覯覃, 蠏碁 煙る 苦 る 蟆 朱 豢覲旧瑚 螳 覺.
螻手碓 螳 企Μ