,,,sOoo hEreS maH stOrY! ( =,,,
wEll, mY naMe iS diOmaR chAvEz.....bUt maH friEnds uSed to cAlL mEee diOmeEee..hahaHahA ( =,im 15 tUrninG 16 on thE 5th Of nOvembEr...nObodY can chAnge meEee eithER accEpT meEee, rEspeCt me or hAte meEee whatEveR yOu chOosE it wOnt phAse meEee...iM not cOncEited, im just siMplY awArE of maH sElf...yOu caN saY anythinG abOut meEee, bUt i Am hU i Am anD thAts sUmthinG yoU coUlD nevEr be...i mAy nOt be pErfect bUt maybe parts oF me arE pretty awEsome...i wAnt tO be lOveD nOt whO yOu wAnt mEee tO be...im fUnny niCe tO be wiTh, uhhmmm.....a liL bit sEnsitive, iM crAzy, iM sillY, iM fuNny, im cUte, im brAve, im gUrlY, im swEet, im lOud, iM chEerful, iM opiniOnatEd,