m funny at times..(actualy mst f d time) ppl find it i DONT CARE:p
sm say i hv attitude den its nt my ATTITUDE prblm its der PERCEPTION prblm..
I'm passionate, possessive and determined. I do nt live 2 please ANYBODY n I hate assumptions made about me ..i LOVE attention n being pampered i am definately a chatter box.... i never get tired of speaking..i noe smtimes it do irritates sm1(especialy my mum) i cnt hlp it ..i LOVE shoppng..(i noe u ll thnk watz unique in dat??)bt i simply luv it..
evrdy 4 it..
i lyk makes me feel lively..n ofcourse MUSIC..
its my passion..though m nt a singr..:P
i luv CHOCLATES..< eat dem in brktime,off tim