Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear...悋 惠惶惆 悋 惠惘 悋 惶 悋 惠愕惺
Birds of feather flock together...悋愀惘 惺 悖愆悋悋 惠惺
Constant dropping wears away a stone...悋愀 悋悋悄 悋愕惠惘 悋愕愀 惠惡惘 悋忰悴惘
Judge not you not be judged...悋 惠忰 惺 悖忰惆 忰惠 悋 忰 惺 悖忰惆
A friend in need is a friend indeed...悋惶惆 惠 悋惷