i'm crazy,i'm silly, I'm funny, i'M CUTE,i'M brave, I'm gurly, I'm sweet,I'm loud,I'm cheerful ..I am outgoing...sometimes i'm NOT evrythng I WISH i cud be, but I'M everythng I need to be...I'M JUST ME.. AND i like it that way.. ^_^
nothing so special .....m a simple human being....apart from the facts that i hv learnt from my life....
~ nothin last foreva...
~ nobody's urs...
~ if u stop time nd listen to ur heart beats...u'll realize dat...it beats 4 u only...rest of them r too busy to listen to them..
~ charms win sight but hearts win the soul...
nd i hv learnt from the life dat ...the most important thing in life is .....life itself......
here r some lines to