▀▄▀▄▀▄ I'm ήǿt thè β£st , βμt , I'm DĬffèяέŋt ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
*L¤V£ MË ¤R L€ÄV€ MÊ!¡!¡?¿?¿
Im dA best
im Mëmö 2na nice <<<< kteeer >>>> sweet also.... XD
lsn lsn …. If you love me love me well and if you hate me go to hell
And Haterz make me famous :$$
►I Do Not Like To Talk aBoUt My SeLf Like That PeopLe Kn0w Me A LoNe.
►I Love Listening To Lies when I know The Truth
►U R One Of My Frnd So U R Unique Case I Dont AccepT EveryOne
►Make Sure You Are Perfect Before You Judge Me
-Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything
-When you start to fear death, you appreciate the