Afha uda Cinta..Smga ini Cinta Abadi...
Cemangadht School...Cpt Graduated,
Kerja yg Rjind...Dpt Rejeki...
Merried agy.... ^_^
iM angeL/iM DeviL/I am sometiMes in-bEtwEen/im As bad as it cAn Get/and gooD aS it caN bE/sometimes im miLLiOn CoLoRs/sOmetimes im bLacK&wHitE/i aM aLL eXtremes/Try to figure Me Out?/You never Can/ThEre's So maNy thiNg i aM/i am spEciaL/i am BeaUtiFuL/i am WondeRfuL&pOwErfUL?unstOppabLe/SoMeTiMes im MiserabLe/somEtimeS im pitifUl/But tHat's sO tiPycAL of aLL the tHings i am/im SomEoNe fiLled witH sElf-beLief/And HaUnteDby seLf-DouBt/i got aLL the aNswEr/i'Ve got NotHing figured Out/i LiKe tO be by sELf/i HatE to Be aLoNe/im Up&i am DowN/But t