Know all GSM, 3G and Lte networks and equipment like as:
BTS, BSC, MSC, HLR, Microwave, Media Gateway, DUW, DUG, DUS, TCU, RUS, BBU, RRU
Nokis BTS, Ericsson RBS (2000 Series and 6000 Series) and Huawei BTS (3900 sereis)
Experienced in ERICSSON work with OMT, ROMT, Mini Link, Moshell, Element manager Software and WIN FIOL Software and SOEM
Ability to work with TCU Including reading and writing scripts and troubleshooting.
Ability to work with DUW and DUS include HW configuration and troubleshooting such as import and export script , VLAN, IP routing, IP OAM and Traffic etc.
Ability to work with CN and TN include Configure HW, E1, Traffic Routing, Packet and XPIC and troubleshooting