劉僚留 凌 了劉, 凌 竜留略..隆竜僚 略竜旅 隆亮凌
隆亮凌 旅略僚竜留旅 侶粒留溜僚凌僚留...
You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?
Well...it's kind of complicated..I guess I am as normal a human being as possible with my own distinctive hues of this quality that is different in everyone of us...Let's see..Yeah, totally crazy, totally day-dreaming and living in my own special world.Apart from that, I could be characterized as rather stubborn, with an intense sense of independence, and as someone who would never do the simplest thing unless she had set her whole heart upon it.